Here is The Fairy Nurse, encased in a Maine-made pine shadowbox, lightly stained. <SOLD> The Fall Fairies, all in dusky purples and ruby reds, have been delivered to Brambles, the home and garden store in Belfast. There are only a few of these one-of-a-kind tiny dresses (along with some literary dresses) before I start making my Yuletide series.
Whereas the Queen's Handmaidens are busy this time of year attending to her needs, the Warriors, those small, lithe and hidden Wee Folk, are scouting the forest for any signs of human encroachment. The Warriors protect the rath from danger while the Hunters and Gatherers roam the forest floor for acorns and other nutrients to bring back down below for a long winter underground. This one was crafted from dried grasses, lichen, and adorned with flowers and hydrangea with just a hint of Usnea.
Mid-October. Can you feel the energy getting stronger? The Queen and her rath have had a long, luxurious summer, but now they are busy preparing for their retreat underground. The Queen's Handmaidens are unusually busy, moving her things. Here's one, found taking a rest upon the changing maple leaves. Here she is, close up. Her skirt is a blush of hydrangea; adorned by brambles and dried roses. Her bodice is crafted from red birch and white birch collected on our property.
They are like Billie Eilish's voice....fragile, ethereal and then...deadly. Here is one that has every indication of breaking apart in my hand, except that she's hardy and powerful as her mauve colors bleed into fall. The Autumn Fairies.
This tiny table was a prototype for a smaller scale Japanese tea house we are working on together, so I made some pillows to go with it. This little set will be for sale at the Small Works show. Shown here to scale.
This time of year Firelight Hydrangea shrub is at its most beautiful. It is from these I make my Queen's Handmaiden fairy dresses. The bodice is from dried grasses. Here, I'll take the filter off so you can see it closely. This one and others of this design will be for sale at our craft show this weekend for Maine Craft Weekend.
Here's a new style of dress, a short ballet skirt. I can make them from any book pages, so if you ever want custom work, just get in touch. The bodice is molded and the skirt is made from three layers, tulle, a cupcake wrapper and a folded overskirt made of text. Each is one of a kind and decorated individually with a custom mini hanger. I'm making a bunch of these beautiful miniature flapper dresses from the pages of The Great Gatsby in time for the Small Works Show this weekend in Cushing, ME coinciding with the statewide Maine Craft Weekend. Each is a one-of-a-kind tiny dress with fringe and other decorations: each comes with a custom hanger. This little flapper dress was made from a vintage F. Scott Fitzgerald short story: Bernice Bobs Her Hair. And some more....
Tonic of the Woods
the inspiration behind the creations Photos, stories and concept ©Kay Stephens
Look up the story behind a fairy dress by clicking on the name below
January 2025